An unfortunate common occurrence that families frequently face is the prospect that someone took financial advantage of an elderly family member.
Financial abuse can even involve the investment accounts they have at other institutions. A brokerage firm or an individual stockbroker might scam an elderly person into putting funds in risky investments or passing their money to this person directly.
At Oakes & Fosher, our securities fraud attorneys have a deep understanding of the issues you or a family member might face if elder financial fraud has occurred. You trusted someone to responsibly handle your money, only to find out later they did nothing of the sort. We will fight for victims of stock broker fraud and are willing to take your case to court.
What Is Elder Fraud?
Elder abuse itself can come in many forms, such as:
- Sexual abuse
- Physical abuse
- Neglect
- Abandonment
A more subtle but equally sinister way that people take advantage of the elderly can involve their finances. If you or a loved one have experienced elder financial fraud, it is essential to gather the facts and seek remediation.
A broker who engages in defrauding the elderly might suggest risky stocks or charge excessive fees for managing accounts. Brokerage firms have a duty to mitigate the risk of elder financial fraud, but this can still often occur under their watch. In fact, securities industry rules require brokerage firms to monitor customer account transactions closely. When this monitoring is neglected, they are liable for fraud or wrongdoing done to a customer served by their firm.
Many people in our aging population from the Baby Boomer generation are seeking financial stability as well as smart investments.
Brokers who prey on the elderly and aging population may suggest the following types of investments:
- Investments in oil and gas
- Insurance products
- Unregistered securities
Brokers committing fraud related to these and other types of investments may claim they are low-risk, high-return investments. They will also use pressure tactics on the elderly to get them to make these decisions quickly and without giving thought to what they are doing.
If you feel like you have been pressured into these types of investments or experienced this type of fraud in your golden years, be sure to contact an attorney as soon as possible to discuss your case.
Elder Fraud FAQs
If you or a loved one experienced fraud at the hands of a stockbroker, the attorneys at Oakes & Fosher can help. We have taken similar FINRA arbitration cases to court and helped victims recover their lost money.
Please contact us today at (314) 428-7600 to discuss your case. It’s completely free and confidential. Our legal fees are based entirely on whether we recover compensation for you.
Oakes & Fosher, LLC
1401 South Brentwood Blvd.
Suite 250
St. Louis, MO 63144